On Campus UX App Prototype

About the App

The OnCampus app is designed for college students. It reimagines the Loyola University Maryland Bridge app in accordance to user needs and recommendations. Our goal was to make the app far more user-friendly. Make it fun to use while making the exploration and booking processes smooth when searching for fun events to attend on campus. 

Phase I: Discovery Stage

Ease of Use

Our tested users told us the current app is packed and clustered. Our designs should work to make the app more streamlined and easy to navigate.

Need for Strong Aesthetics

Our tested subjects agreed, the app needed a bit of a facelift. We were asked to make the app more inviting and interesting to look at.


Another interesting need we gathered was the the call for a more personalized user experience, which of course adds in ease of use.

Phase II: Wireframes

Here are a few of the featured screens from the OnCampus wireframes we made in Balsamiq 


Phase III: Wireframe Feedback


Our tested users all seemed to be pleased with how the new app was structured and looked. One user said that they thought the app was “sleek and user-friendly.”


Our wireframe was able to achieve our goals in reorganization and simplification. One user even said “this looks more organized than the actual Bridge app, looks easier to navigate.”

Social Media Aspect

Our users really enjoyed the idea of having a social media portion within the app to interact with. They found it to be a worthy inclusion and engaging.

Phase IV: Prototype

To view and interact with the final prototype be sure to follow the button below to start your experience. 

Phase V: Prototype Feedback


Our users enjoyed the detailed filters, it appeared to improve their user experience as they navigated the app and looked for events to sign-up for.


Once again the users enjoyed the social media feature. This helped users engage with the app with longer and with more interest. 


Our users confirmed and found their user experience to be “straightforward” and easy to use while also being “lovely” to look at.